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Kinesiology and Community Health :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Recent Publications, Research, & Highlights
- Lange, D., Wong, W.K. & Strauser, D.R.. Differences in Work Personality and Career Readiness in a Group of Young Adult CNS Survivors. Manuscript submitted to Disability and Rehabilitation.
- *Heft-Sears, S., Wong, W.K., & Strauser, D.R.. Assessing Career readiness of college students with disabilities. Manuscript submitted to The Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability.
- *Strauser, D.R. & Wagner, S. Vocational development and career readiness: Survivors and parents perceptions. Manuscript submitted to Journal of Psycho-Social Oncology.
- *Strauser, D.R., Wagner, S., & Wong, W.K. (2013). Developmental work personality among young adult cancer survivors: An exploratory study. Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counseling, 19(1), 39-45.
- *Chiu, C., Chan, F., Strauser, D.R., Feurestein, M., Ditchman, N., Cardoso, E., O'Neil, J. & Muller, V. (2013). State rehabilitation services tailored to employment status among cancer survivors. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, (E-print ahead of publication [March 16, 2013]).
- *Lustig, D.C., Strauser, D.R., & Zanskas, S. (2012). The relationship between psychological distress and career thoughts. Journal of Rehabilitation, 78 (4), 3-10.
- *Strauser, D. R., Wagner, S., Wong, W.K. & O'Sullivan, D. (2012) Career readiness, developmental work personality and age of onset in young adult CNS survivors. Disability and Rehabilitation (Early on-line 1-8).
- * O'Sullivan, D., Wong, W.K. & Strauser, D.R.. (2012) Confirmatory factor analysis study of the Revised Developmental Work Personality Scale. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 45, 270-291. .
- *Strauser,D.R., Wagner, S., & Wong, W.K. (2012) Enhancing young adult CNS survivors psychosocial treatment outcomes: Importance of addressing vocational identity and community integration. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 35 (4), 311-316.
- * O'Sullivan, D., Strauser, D.R., and Wong, W.K. (2012) Examining the differences in developmental work personality across disability category: Implications for individuals with psychiatric disabilities. Work: Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation. 42, 259-267.
- *Strauser, D.R., O'Sullivan, D., & Wong, W.K.. Work personality, work engagement, and academic effort in a group of college students. Journal of Employment Counseling,49(2), 50-61.
- *Plotner, A., Trach, J.S., & Strauser, D.R. (2012). Vocational rehabilitation counselor's identified transition competencies: Percieved importance, frequency, and preparedness. Rehabilition Counseling Bulletin, 55, 135-143.
- *O'Sullivan, D., Strauser, D.R., & Wong, W.K.. (2012). Five factor model of personality, work behavior self-efficacy, and length of prior employment in a group of individuals with disabilities: An exploratory analysis. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin. 55, 156-165.
- *Plotner, A., Shogren, K.A. & Strauser, D.R.. (2012). Analyzing transition research in rehabilitation counseling: A content analysis. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 42(4), 27-32.
- *Strauser, D.R., Lustig, D.C., & Zanskas, S. (2012) Career readiness and individuals with disabilities. Rehabilitation Research, Policy and Education, 27, 245-251.
- *Lange, D.D., Wong, W.K. & Strauser, D.R.. Differences in Work Personality and Career Readiness in a Group of Young Adult CNS Survivors. Manuscript submitted to Disability and Rehabilitation.
- Heft Sears, S.J., & Lange, D.D., Ed. (2014). Instructor's manual to accompany career development, employment, and disability in rehabilitation from theory to practice. New York: Springer Publishing.
- Strauser, D., Wong, A., O'Sullivan, D., & Wagner, S. (in press). Examining differences in developmental work personality between young adult CNS survivors and college students. Australian Journal of Rehabilitation.
- Strauser, D., Wong, A., Wagner, S., & O'Sullivan, D. (2013) Career readiness, developmental work personality and age of onset in young adult CNS survivors. Disability and Rehabilitation, 35 (7), 543-550 (doi:10.3109/09638288.2012.703754).
- Ritter, E., Strauser, D., O'Sullivan, D., Reid, J., Khosravinasr, S. & Cronin, T. (2013). Theories of career development and work adjustment. Career Development, Employment and Disability: From Theory to Practice.
- Ritter, E. (2012) Book review – Rehabilitation Research, Policy and Education
- "Cell Phone for Tracking Physical Activity Space: A Case Study", Poster
Session, American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation
and Dance (AAHPERD), Indianapolis, Illinois, March 2010,
- "Intelligent & Integrated Automatic Daily Physical Activity Recording", In prep. for American College of Sports Medicine Journal (ACSM), 2014
- Heft Sears, S.J., & Strauser, D.R. (in press). Examining Career Readiness and Positive
Affect in a Group of College Students with Disabilities. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability.
- Heft Sears, S.J., Jones, A.E., & Strauser, D.R. (2014). Career counseling and people
with disabilities. In D. R. Strauser (Ed.), Career Development, Employment, and Disability in Rehabilitation From Theory to Practice (p. 279-297). New York: Springer Publishing.
- Charmaraman, L., Jones, A., Stein, N., Espelage, D. (in press). Is it bullying or sexual harassment? Knowledge, attitudes, and professional development experiences of middle school staff. Journal of School Health.
- Jones, A., & Charmaraman, L. (Apr. 2013) "They never hear ‘stop' so they don't stop: Voices from middle school students about peer sexual harassment and sexual climate. Paper presented at the meeting of American Educational Research Association (Division of Counseling and Human Development) Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA.