The Department of Kinesiology and Community Health
College of Applied Health Sciences
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Students are encouraged to become involved with faculty research to enhance their educational development and to acquaint themselves with the opportunities available through graduate and undergraduate education. If interested in joining this lab, contact:
Dr. Kim GraberPedagogical Qualitative Research Laboratory
Department of Kinesiology, MC-052
331 Louise Freer Hall
906 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL. 61801
Tel: 217.244.1830
Fax: 217.244.7322
For more specific information relative to the Kinesiology program and online application information select the Undergraduate Program or the Graduate Program.
Dr. Kim Graber
Associate Professor
Chair, Pedagogy Area of Study

Dr. Graber's research focuses on teacher socialization, teaching, teacher education, faculty micropolitics, and research methods. Specifically, she is interested in understanding the process by which undergraduates learn. Dr. Graber:
- has written articles in a variety of peer-reviewed journals, has written several book chapters, and is currently writing a textbook
- is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Teaching in Physical Education and is a regular reviewer for other professional journals
- has received recognition for "Outstanding Scholarship in Teacher Education" from the Association of Colleges and Schools of Education in State Universities and Land Grant Colleges and Affiliated Private Universities
- has served as president of the National Association for Sport and Physical Education, Chair of the Curriculum and Instruction Academy, and is a fellow in the Research Consortium
- has presented her work at national and international conferences, including as an invited keynote address at the Healthy Schools Summit in Washington, D.C.
Dr. Amelia Mays Woods
Associate Professor

Dr. Woods's research interest centers upon teachers' movement through their career cycles. Dr. Woods:
- studies what supports teachers need to be innovative and effective
- is a former high school physical educator and tennis coach
- has written articles that have been published in the Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, Research Quarterly for Exersise and Sport, and Journal of Human Movement Studies