The Department of Kinesiology and Community Health
College of Applied Health Sciences
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The T.K. Cureton Physical Fitness Research Laboratory was established in 1944 and houses several laboratory facilities including the Exercise Immunology Laboratory (Dr. Woods PI), The Bone and Body Composition Laboratory (Dr. Evans PI), The Athletic Training Research Laboratory (Dr. Ebersole PI), The Muscle Physiology Laboratory (Dr. Huey PI), and the Cardiovascular Research Laboratory (Dr. Wilund PI).
The Exercise Immunology Laboratory consists of several research areas.
The Exercise Intervention Lab is a 1400 ft2 facility equipped with various LifeFitness cardio equipment including:
Exercise Intervention Lab Equipment
- 8 treadmills
- 2 upright
- 4 recumbent cycles
- 2 elliptical trainers
- 2 stairclimbers.
The Metabolic Testing Lab is a 470 ft2 facility equipped with:
Metabolic Testing Lab Equipment
- LifeFitness treadmill
- Parvomedics metabolic cart
- crash cart
- electronic defibrillator.
The Exercise Immunology Wet Lab is a 1300 ft2 area located adjacent to the Intervention Lab and contains the following equipment:
Exercise Immunology Wet Lab Equipment
- 2 HEPA-filtered 6ft Baker laminar flow hoods
- 2 Forma CO2 incubators
- inverted phase contrast Nikon microscope
- Zeiss upright microscope J2-21M
- GPC and microfuge refrigerated Beckman centrifuges
- Market Forge autoclave
- Packard 4600TR liquid scintillation counter
- Shimadzu UV-160 spectrophotometer, equipment for magnetic cell purification
- Mettler analytical balances
- YSI glucose-lactate analyzer
- trophotometer
- electrophoresis equipment
- cryogenic freezer
- ice machine
- Easypure UF Barnstead water system for nanopure endotoxin-free water
- Barnstead still
- cell harvester
- various other small items required for the conduct of biochemical and molecular biological experiments. The laboratory contains 3 PCs with various word processing, statistical and graphical packages. Each workstation is networked and wired for fast internet access and printing capabilities (including color and large posters).
The Core Lab houses all the ultra-low temperature freezers.
The Animal Lab houses:
Animal Lab Equipment
- 3 small animal treadmills
- metabolic treadmill for animal VO2 testing
- Mini-Mitter behavioral telemetry system.
The Data Analysis Lab houses
Data Analysis Lab Equipment
- two PCs with various word processing
- statistical and graphical packages.
The Graduate Research Assistant Office is a 1000 ft2 area that has space for 16 graduate students.
The Human Performance/Undergraduate Teaching Laboratory is a 850 ft2 facility containing:
Graduate Research Assistant Office Equipment
- Ametek metabolic cart
- 2 Tissot tanks
- an Quinton elevated motorized treadmill
- 2 Monarch cycle ergometers
- EKG equipment.
Located directly across the street, is UIUC's Biotechnology Center's Flow Cytometry Facility which houses two new MLS2000 Mo-Flo high-speed cell sorters (Cytomation, Ft. Collins, CO) and 3 EPICS XL-MCL 4 color analyzers (Beckman-Coulter, Miami, FL). Moreover, the Center maintains a variety of data analysis software and nationally recognized staff with over 30 years of experience.