The Department of Kinesiology and Community Health
College of Applied Health Sciences
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Exercise Psychophysiology Laboratory (ExPPL)

Welcome to the Exercise Psychophysiology Laboratory (ExPPL) in the Department of Kinesiology & Community Health at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
An underlying assumption of exercise and sport psychology is that physical activity, broadly defined, has psychological antecedents, consequences, or both. In the ExPPL we conduct research in the general area of Exercise Psychology. We are particularly interested in the effects of physical activity on emotional and cognitive health. Traditionally, the study of exercise psychology has focused almost exclusively on the psychological aspects of such physical activity with little concern for the physiological changes that likely mediate these psychological changes. In the ExPPL, we study the interaction of psychological and physiological processes in the context of exercise and physical activity by utilizing a psychophysiological perspective. Psychophysiology itself is a discipline which attempts to infer psychological processes (e.g., emotions, thoughts) from relevant physiological signals or sources. We utilize a theory-based, multi-level integrative perspective, using psychophysiological, self-report, and behavioral methodologies to address the research questions being studied. To this end, the ExPPL is equipped with instruments for the recording of electroencephalographic (EEG) and electromyographic (EMG) activity, as well as computer-based systems for the assessment of self-report and behavior.

The Exercise Psychophysiology Laboratory (ExPPL) provides essential research opportunities for Kinesiology students in the undergraduate and graduate education programs at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Laboratory experiences will develop and expand a student's understanding of the psychophysiological perspective, develop unique and innovative research skills, and ideally foster intellectual growth through scholarly inquiry. (see Research link in Menu box)
Please explore the website and the various links located to the right. Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have.
Professor Steven J. Petruzzello