The Department of Kinesiology and Community Health
College of Applied Health Sciences
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Ashleigh Jones

Ashleigh Jones is a doctoral student in the Department of Kinesiology and Community Health.
What are your general impressions of your graduate studies and KCH as a whole?
I am impressed that I have the freedom to pursue my own research interests. The professors, fellow graduate students, and staff are wonderful and very helpful in assisting students with their academic endeavors and goals.
What has been your most interesting experience at the University of Illinois?
I have been fortunate to gain teaching experience as a community health instructor during my time at the University. It has been personally and professionally rewarding and is great preparation for my future.
Briefly describe your research.
My main research interest is in the psychosocial effects that create stress among cancer survivors related to social relationships and career development.
What are your post-graduation plans?
After completing my doctorate, I plan to become a professor at a research university, where I will be able to use my clinical and research expertise.
What do you like to do for fun?
When time permits, I enjoy reading for pleasure, traveling, and attending sporting events.
Why would you recommend graduate studies in KCH to others?
The KCH department has great faculty members who work closely with students and provide advice and expertise. The quality of the programs’ content enables students to become successful professionals in their chosen career.